Hugh Cairns: Gutter drainage problems

Gutter end seam leakage can lead to serious problems. Photo: Contributed – (Photo: Hugh Cairns)

Hugh Cairns: Gutter drainage problems

Gutter Drainage Problems -What are the Signs?

If you’ve had a Hugh Cairns Home Inspection then you know that water is the number one enemy of any home. You also know that once water enters a structure that it’s usually a costly fix. So when it comes to water, there is not much room for turning a blind eye. Finding gutter drainage problems early on, when they are small is sure to save plenty of headaches and money.

The primary function of your gutter and downspout system is to manage moisture that gathers on your home, gather it up, and discharge it well away out of harm’s way. The best time for a perimeter drainage system inspection is now.

Understand the power of water on your home.

Rain that falls on your home adds up really fast. Every inch of rain that falls on 1,000 sq. ft. of roof covering generates up to 600 gallons of runoff – on the average home that translates to 1,000 gallons. – and it happens fast. Compare that to the flow rate of your ½” garden hose – flat out at normal conditions – the garden hose will produce about 10 gallons a minute. It’s plain to see that managing the water from your roof is critical.

What are the Signs?

Sagging, poor slope, clogged or under-sized gutters. Clogged and overflowing gutters can divert water into the structure where rot and mould can take hold. Look for signs of leaking seams especially where they butt against the house. The best time to assess the system is when it is raining and immediately afterward. If you don’t take action, overflow water can stain and deteriorate your siding and ruin your paint job. Look for dead leaves and debris blocking the flow of your gutters.

Improper discharge. Dumping hundreds if not thousands of gallons of water too close to your foundation can be a recipe for disaster. With simple gutter extensions you can divert that water away from the home where it won’t end up entering the home where it can ruin flooring, framing and structural components, and furnishings. Get the water away from your home.